World Liver Day Tomorrow
Eating too much junk food causes 1 in 4 people in the U.S. to suffer from fatty liver, it also threatens life.
World Liver Day is on April 19. Problems with liver are increasing in the US. One in every 4 these days is struggling with fatty liver problems. Of america's more than 260 million adult population, about 64 million non-alcoholic youth are facing a crisis due to fatty liver. This problem is due to the habit of eating too much junk food and unhealthy food. It is named non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
This disease is not detected in the routine health checkup. At the same time, there are no special symptoms at first, but after a few years, the right part of the stomach starts to swell. It is so dangerous that there is a risk of life being lost with liver failure. The American Health Association has reported this. It describes the method for detecting the disease.
40% of America's 100 million youth suffer from NAFLD
Dr Paul Duley, an expert on diabetes at Rijon University, said it is the most common disease of the liver, which is causing millions of deaths. 40% of America's 100 million young people are struggling with non-alcoholic fatty liver problems due to overeating.
Doctors argue that people who already have diseases like diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure are at greater risk. Many people may also get this disease genetically. NAFLD is developing rapidly due to non-digestion, type-2 diabetes and unhealthy food.
Fatty liver patients lose weight by 10 kg
People suffering from NAFLD are advised to have limposuction surgery after biopsy. That's the only treatment, but it's expensive. At the same time, it is advisable to lose at least 10 kg of weight and to eat healthy food and exercise daily. It is important to detect the disease early, as it can also cause a heart attack.
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